Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Change in plans

I was going to go see Crank, but impatience led me to see The Wicker Man instead. I haven't seen the first one, but this version seemed pretty good to me. It has its less lucid parts, but all in all, I'm ok with it. More suspense than anything, and the ending was the right kind of pay-off.

I also went to see The Illusionist, since I had an extra two hours before I had to go pick up Karen. That movie was really good. It's been a while since I saw Ed Norton in anything, but he was really good in this one. And while I'm not sure how feasible some of the period effects were (and I don't know how rooted in truth this story is), it was still pretty easy to suspend my disbelief. A little transparent, but hey, we all love being right, right?

Both good movies, and I would have to say (while not necessarily worth $7.25 a pop) worth a watch.

1 comment:

Eric Franklin said...

I saw Crank. It was ... eh. It tried to hard and couldn't make up its mind.

Was it an action film? A dark comedy? Having seen it, I'm still not sure. And it seems as though the film itself wasn't sure, either.