Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gatling Engine

So, I've spent a decent amount of time on the Gatling Engine over at CCG Workshop. I have to say that I like it. There are a couple of issues, but on the whole, it plays well, and people generally let you take back your mistakes.

On the other hand, you've really got to know the cards to egin with, or things will go fairly slowly (whether you know the game or not).

Still, I imagine I'll be spending less time on MSN Games, now, and a LOT more time on GE.


Nothing much else going on at the moment. I ran my second installment of GURPS on Sunday, which went well. So well, in fact, that I have all three of my players saying they want to keep playing GURPS even after this campaign-let ends.

Next up: Cowboys in SPAAAAAAAAAACE, a la Firefly, but with a healthy dosing of Farscape, Babylon Five, and Call of Cthulhu. Oh, and Star Wars, of course...


Eric Franklin said...

I assume that the Gatling Engine is an online card-gaming platform, and I'd like to learn more.

Where do I look for info?

Michael said...

You can down load it at http://www.ccgworkshop.com/download. It takes a while to download the art for whichever game you want, and not all the games are free (though Shadowfist is). I haven't fooled around with anything but Fist, but it certainly runs that smoothly!