Saturday, September 16, 2006

Strangely Tired

Our new tv is everything I hoped it would be (it came at 8:20ish). It's five inches bigger (on the diagonal) than the old one, and it still seems a lot bigger because of it.

We put in a couple of ep's of Farscape, and I kept falling asleep. I don't get it! I love that show, and here we are on episodes I've only seen once, and I keep zonking out. We watched one, I realized I'd fallen asleep at the end, so I stood up, moved around, and felt fine. We put in the next episode, and not even ten minutes in, out again go I!

After it was over, I promptly removed my glasses and woke up about three hour later, I think. I really don't get it. I kind of want to try watching more, but who knows if I'll stay awake.

In other news, Jerry pissed me off a lot by bailing on my game last night. He left a message on my phone's voice mail, despite the fact that I have been asking him for more than two years not to (and to leave then on our home machine, instead).
It was just another in a litany of events from him. I was pretty (irrationally) furious. Angry enough that Karen mentioned (again) how worried she is for me, given the depth and rapidity of my mood swings.
At least I think I've ruled out pregnancy...

Oh well. We'll see if I've calmed down in week, when we may or may not get Jerry back. Though if he flakes out again, I'm afraid the fates my take a disliking towards his character (with or without him).


Eric Franklin said...

I enjoyed Farscape, but I had to limit myself to one episode per night - the show is just so slow-moving so much of the time ...

Michael said...

I guess so, though if you watch more than an episode a night, it feels like it moves faster.

Lost is actually a really good show, and Karen and I enjoy it a lot.

Very Call of Cthulhu...

Eric Franklin said...

My wife and I are pretty sure that JJ Abrams is also Kenneth Hite - Lost and Alias both have that High Weirdness fell that Hite specializes in.