Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My first attept at blogging

Well, this represents my first forray into the wonderful world of sharing information about myself on the world wide web. I admit that I am skeptical that I can maintain a blog, but I might as well give it a shot.

Today was the day after a wonderful three-day-weekend, and, like everyone else who got off for Labor Day, I didn't want to go back to work. On the other hand, the test I gave at 9:30 this morning was a slightly tweaked version of the same test I always give for this chapter (the Sets chapter of Math for Liberal Arts), so it required almost no prep time. A definite plus.

And my Precalc went well too, largely because I was in good form with the bad jokes today, and the students seemed to bounce back well from largely bad quiz scores (from the previous Firday).

Following those two classes I went out to lunch with Karen, only to find out that she got the rest of the day off due to unexplained power outages. We went to Uno's (turns out their 4-cheese pizza is incredible if you add chicken and peperoni) and I took her home (getting back just in time for my 4 pm office hour).

The only downer to today is that I can't convince her we need to be playing Dungeon Twister. It makes me sad, but at least we played twice yesterday. Hopefully I can trick her into playing tomorrow. We'll see, I suppose.

In other exciting news: We are applying for passports tomorrow or Friday. London, England here we come!

That's it for now, I think. We'll see if I have anything else to add later.

1 comment:

Eric Franklin said...

Welcome to Blogger! It's quick! It's painless! It's full of people!